Unwrapping the Gift of You

The other day, Lisa told me: “One lifetime with you isn’t enough.” 🥰 That might be the most loving thing anyone has told me! I share that, not only to celebrate our love and partnership, but also because I think it points to a life truth: YOU are an...
The Gift of Keeping the Light in Your Eyes Ablaze

The Gift of Keeping the Light in Your Eyes Ablaze

While I love giving (and receiving) gifts, the present I most earnestly wish to share with others, especially my daughter, is to keep the light of their eyes ablaze with the flame of life in its zesty fullness! Honestly, by FAR one of the things I have the...
How Sweet it is to Live Simply!

How Sweet it is to Live Simply!

Oh, the stories I could tell about how gorgeously geeky I was in high school! For instance, when we learned about the Know Nothing Party in U.S. History, I immediately adopted this obscure 19th century political party as my own. I’d jokingly tell friends I...

Being Your Own “Alarm Clock”

Something awesome I’ve noticed this year is how smack dab in the middle of the suck and muck, I’ve witnessed countless people become her/his own “alarm clock”. Friends and family are waking up to their deepest desires, honoring the most...

Meditation on the Importance of Loving Our Messy Emotions

Do you ever have a thought or impulse that’s inappropriate, uncomfortable, or “bad”?  I know I do!  The other day, one thought bubble led to another, and before I knew it, I was shocked and dismayed by the notion my mind had centered on.  Before my...