Sparks of Love

People + podcasts who have greatly blessed & aided my journey!

1. Blissology

As my friend and founder Eoin Finn says, “Blissology is the movement to bring more love out fearlessly into the world.” Enough said!

2. Center for Action and Contemplation

An organization committed to seeing Christ in everyone and everything. The daily meditations and podcast draw me closer to God on the daily.

3. Brené Brown

Words can’t express how powerfully Brené’s research, stories, heart, and conclusions have impacted my life. SO GOOD!

4. Rob Bell

I took a class on preaching from Rob, and loved his emphasis on centering talks on Jesus and the Gospel, i,e. “Good News”. His talks/books, like “Everything is Spiritual”, have been like gifts from heaven that help me experience more of the Divine more often.

5. Jonathan Martin

“Helping people find grace everywhere, in everything.” Amazing speaker and beautiful spirit.

6. Meghan Currie

I did my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) with Meghan, and LOVE her style, teaching, and heart.

7. On Being with Krista Tippett

“Pursuing deep thinking and moral imagination, social courage and joy, to renew inner life, outer life, and life together.” Krista Tippet’s interviews and observations are relevant, inspiring, and transformative!

8. The Bible for Normal People

Helpful, insightful, and revelatory conversations on their podcast, and a good blog too.

9. Michael Franti

Not only is his music some of the most dance-worthy and inspiring that I know of, he has a great podcast too!