Hello! I'm Lang

Student + Writer + Yogi
Author of "Falling into Love"

Falling into Love...

Falling to the bottom of bottoms is what has brought me to the highest of highs. After a miscarriage and divorce from my first wife, my world and perspective were rocked.

Yet, after a couple of years of reflecting, learning, and growing, life was looking up. Not only was my career as an air force officer thriving, I’d become engaged to a lovely lady.

Then, in a surreal moviesque turn of events, while hiking with my 3-year-old daughter, fiancée, and her son, I slipped, slid, and plummeted 30-feet off a cliff headfirst onto a boulder. I should have died, but I didn’t—due in no small part to the outpouring of healing love, presence, and support from family, friends, acquaintances, strangers, medical workers, and the Divine that surrounded and carried me.

Love truly wins!

I had survived, but now found myself navigating life with severe traumatic brain injury, damage to my vision (I can’t drive anymore), and other injuries, which resulted in my medical retirement from the military.

And then my heart and sense of self broke when my fiancée turned wife and I divorced. Yet, on the other side of all that I found that life, people, the world, and God are more amazing than I ever dreamed possible!

After getting a B.A. in History from Washington State University and an M.A. in Ancient History from American Military University, I studied to be a pastor by getting a Master of Divinity at The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology.
Although it hasn’t worked out for me to be a pastor in the “normal” sense of the term, I care for souls (a pastor’s job) by teaching yoga, caring for and being present to aid people who are hurting and/or or help them find purpose, and by writing.

August 2020 marked the next stage in this journey as I began a Doctorate of Ministry in Leadership & Spiritual Formation through George Fox University to become a life coach.

I currently live in Poulsbo, WA with my wife/soulmate Lisa, incredible daughter Lara, and cute dog Biscuits. Here, there, and everywhere, I’m passionate about helping all of us collectively recognize, experience, and grow into more of the divine light every single one of us is born with.

I love my wife (Lisa), daughter (Lara), family, friends, and really and truly ALL people. I also love yoga (both the physical practice and way of living), kindness, togetherness, writing, hugs, nature, music, impromptu dance parties, making (and eating) delicious and healthy meals, growing and transforming to live lives of purpose and awesomeness, wine, and Jesus.

I believe YOU are marvelous and miraculous!

Blessings, hugs, and Love,
