Don’t just DO something, SIT There

I’ve been a runner for nearly 30 years.  And for as long as I can remember, I’ve measured my success by numbers, going far and fast.  As an enthusiast, my natural bias is to do ALL the things quickly.  That’s why Lisa, Lara, and I’s weekends...
12 Truths that Transform

12 Truths that Transform

How are you doing today?  I hope you are having an amazing day, and regardless of how beautiful and/or brutal it might be for you, I pray you are connected and cared for by a loving community! There’s a common “joke” you may have heard, which goes something like this:...

Meditation on the Bliss of Approaching Moments as a Snow Day

Aren’t snow days glorious?  Not only is there something magical about the white powdery stuff, but when it snows enough to cancel work, school, and other plans, I believe we enter a special and sacred space.  I’d never made the connection until my wife...

Meditation on Breathe and Be to Connect to Big Bliss

In yoga we generally end our practice with Namaste, meaning “the Divine in me sees and honors the Divine in you.”  This sweet, yet radical reminder mirrors my Christian tradition in that Namaste declares EACH of us has divine beauty, eliminates the borders...