Beholding Beauty

Beholding Beauty

Sometimes when I look at a person (especially my wife Lisa), a sunset, or another bit of nature, among other things, I find myself captured and enraptured. Words escape me and time ceases, as in a real way, a “spell” has been put on me. Richard Rohr names...

The Preciousness of Pauses in Life

As embarrassing as it is to admit it, there have been plenty of times when I was so caught up in the hustle and bustle of DOING life, I completely missed that my wife was hitting on me.  And even worse, I occasionally even got irritated Lisa was...

Don’t just DO something, SIT There

I’ve been a runner for nearly 30 years.  And for as long as I can remember, I’ve measured my success by numbers, going far and fast.  As an enthusiast, my natural bias is to do ALL the things quickly.  That’s why Lisa, Lara, and I’s weekends...

Meditation on Resolving to “Be Lazy” to Hear Spirit’s Guidance

In contemplating a New Years resolution, a weird notion came to me: “Be Lazy”.  I’m not talking about neglecting chores or shirking work though.  Instead, I mean slowing and quieting down enough to hear the gentle wisdom of Spirit speaking to us....

Meditation on Slowing Down to Better Savor Life’s Sweetness

I am a FANATIC Seahawks fan, who hoots and hollers at the TV as if the players, coaches, and refs can actually hear me.  What is more, I’m also a life enthusiast, meaning I want ALL the goodness NOW!  With those in mind, a few weeks ago we had a couple of...