In contemplating a New Years resolution, a weird notion came to me: “Be Lazy”.  I’m not talking about neglecting chores or shirking work though.  Instead, I mean slowing and quieting down enough to hear the gentle wisdom of Spirit speaking to us.  Letting our hearts lead more than our heads.  Following the lead of Love over the ego’s drive.

It occurred to me my norm is to make resolutions from a head-centric perspective, which is comparative and competitive by nature.  While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, along with the nudge I felt, came a sense that waiting to hear from the Wise Guide on the Inside for a resolution would result in something more wholistic, enduring, and enlivening.  When we slow down, take some deep breaths, really feel the messages in our bodies, pause to see our surroundings more richly with our eyes, and so on, we hear in our hearts what I think is the Spirit of God, but could also be dubbed Source, true self, collective consciousness, and so on.

With this in mind, today I invite us to resolve to “be lazy” to hear the Spirit’s loving guidance. Pause.  Breathe.  Feel.  See.  Listen.  Wait for Love’s kind whispers.


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Grace and peace,
