Accepting Awkwardness Creates Awesomeness

Accepting Awkwardness Creates Awesomeness

Avoidance is the best policy, right? đŸ˜‚  While I spent much of my life “running” from sadness, anger, fear, frustration, and the like, I’ve realized: Radical acceptance of the awkward stuff, not avoidance, is the path to...
Growing Our Love

Growing Our Love

Ukraine. Putin. Trump. Biden. Vac. Anti-vac. The ways we divide and polarize go on and on. What are we to do? Doesn’t it almost feel like getting past our political, national, racial, and religious tribalism is the only way we’re going to survive and thrive? For...
The Perspective of Love

The Perspective of Love

The more I’m able to see me in you, and you in me, the better things get. It’s really that simple. While truth is many people are quite different from me, some with beliefs I vehemently disagree with—as near I can remember, when I adopt this loving and unifying...
Living Heaven Now

Living Heaven Now

What if we believed Christ when he declared: “It is finished”? As in at the deepest, most powerful of levels all the becoming, healing, unity, joy, wholeness, restoration, peace, wellbeing, goodness, and love we crave has already been achieved—once and for all as a...
7 Bits of Brightness from 2020

7 Bits of Brightness from 2020

As the sun sets on 2020, what bits of brightness will we carry with us? One of 7 revelations for me is: People I can be 100% completely myself with are more precious than gold/TP. How about you? It’s interesting, during my life, first I was all about New Year’s...