The more I’m able to see me in you, and you in me, the better things get. It’s really that simple. While truth is many people are quite different from me, some with beliefs I vehemently disagree with—as near I can remember, when I adopt this loving and unifying perspective, it both works and leaves a blessing, without fail. No matter how big the divides and differences (although space and boundaries are sometimes needed). As you might imagine, this naturally leads me to octopi and yoga. 😉

Turns out an octopus has NINE brains! One central one, and 8 independent brains that control its tentacles. Leading up to the holidays, with the awkward and/or divisive conversations that often ensue, Christine D’Ercole (championship cyclist and motivational speaker) invited people to engage others with the perspective of an octopus. In other words:

Much like how octopi perceive the world from 8 different perspectives—we can “step-back” and see others and their views, beliefs, choices, etc. from a variety of “angles”; which, with curiosity and patience, will foster greater understanding, harmony, and unity.

Lisa and I in Ireland in 2019

Speaking of greater wellbeing, a big reason why yoga is physical, mental, and spiritual medicine, is because it gets us to “step-back” and observe our thoughts, sensations, emotions, and more. When I do this, not only do I get more calm, confident, clear, and cheerful, I become increasingly aware of the diverse melting pot of beliefs, opinions, and views within me. Conservative, liberal, moderate, Christian, atheist, materialist, communalist, capitalist, peacemaker, warrior, and so on, are all within me! Can you relate?

What is more, yoga, and other mindfulness practices/exercises, gets me out of my brain—which, is quite good at comparing, competing, judging, and dividing—and into my heart—which, is fabulous at uniting, understanding, and loving unconditionally.

Saint Augustine said unless one’s interpretation of a passage in the Bible led them to greater love of God and others, they’d missed the mark and needed to try again. I have a hunch the same might be true for how we relate to others, until we can see ourselves in them and vice versa, keep going. What do you think?

Hugs & Love,


P.S. You can sign up for emailed bliss-letters at the bottom of the website’s main pages, and follow me on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube (I’ve got some yoga classes and a bunch of inspiring videos), etc. below! Have a beautiful day!