What if we believed Christ when he declared: “It is finished”? As in at the deepest, most powerful of levels all the becoming, healing, unity, joy, wholeness, restoration, peace, wellbeing, goodness, and love we crave has already been achieved—once and for all as a gift from the Divine? What would it look like to live as if this was true?

From what I understand, that’s exactly what the early Jesus followers did! This mindset allowed them to face the worst life can offer with joy. Living into this belief—and trusting death was not the end, nor to be feared—freed them to become symbols of radical love, the kind that will walk into a blazing fire to save someone when everyone else is getting as far away as possible. Note, I’m not saying we ignore our personal woundedness and struggles, or collective economic, political, and racial problems. Instead, I’m wondering: What if, in the same way Christ made this pronouncement while hanging naked, broken, ashamed, and dying on a cross, right in the midst of our messes in a deep, fundamental way, we realized: All is already well. Not because we did anything, but as a free gift. A grace.

Cheers to Stephanie Madson for both of these pictures of us!

While I hadn’t thought about this specifically in a good while, it’s truly been a thought experiment I’ve been living into for 7+ years. What is more, although I do it because I believe it’s true, the “side effects” include:

An ongoing sense of awe

A constant flow of Love

A heart of compassion and generosity

Freedom to be 100% me

A spirit that seeks to understand and care well for everyone

A deep sense of peace

Belief in others

A commitment to connection

Seeing beauty all around





A powerful love of life

The conviction we are all one, diverse, interdependent human family

Freedom to love lavishly, radically, and richly

What would living heaven now like this look like for/in you?

Hugs & Love,

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