Healing Waters and Beautiful Bodies

Healing Waters and Beautiful Bodies

Isn’t there something healing about water and the way it flows, moves, and sounds? These waters of Cascade Springs, Georgia was a place of healing for soldiers during the Civil War. Our bodies are made primarily of living water, meaning the healing magic of...
Life is Like Kayaking, Enjoy the Journey

Life is Like Kayaking, Enjoy the Journey

With a wink and a smile, I offer this: Life is like kayaking, enjoy the journey. Why? Glad you asked! 😉 On a glorious spring morning, my wife and I paddled out onto the Hood Canal. As the sun smiled on us, we could see the Olympic mountains peering down on...

Don’t just DO something, SIT There

I’ve been a runner for nearly 30 years.  And for as long as I can remember, I’ve measured my success by numbers, going far and fast.  As an enthusiast, my natural bias is to do ALL the things quickly.  That’s why Lisa, Lara, and I’s weekends...

You Have Permission

Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you don’t know how to act?  One of the blessings of marrying Lisa was gaining three adult “kids” and seven grandchildren.  The weird part, though, is having only been in their lives for a few years, we...