Living Heaven Now

Living Heaven Now

What if we believed Christ when he declared: “It is finished”? As in at the deepest, most powerful of levels all the becoming, healing, unity, joy, wholeness, restoration, peace, wellbeing, goodness, and love we crave has already been achieved—once and for all as a...

Hug Yourself from the Inside Out

Hug yourself from the inside out! I had a pouting, “woe is me” moment the other night. Do you have those too? In debriefing it later with my wife, I realized all I really wanted was a “hug”, as in an embrace of myself exactly as I...
Forgiveness is Freedom

Forgiveness is Freedom

I don’t know why my second ex-wife wanted a divorce. I mention that because—7+ years after the fact—I recently realized I still harbored unforgiveness in my heart for this and a couple other things, and it was harming me! I’d been battling an occasional, but growing...
Our Darkest Dark Reveals Our Brightest Light

Our Darkest Dark Reveals Our Brightest Light

Darkness. What’s your relationship with it? As we approach the literal darkest day of the year, I’m reminded going fully INTO my metaphorical darkness is the path to my brightest lightness. It’s no mistake that Christmas, a celebration of Light, was...
How Sweet it is to Live Simply!

How Sweet it is to Live Simply!

Oh, the stories I could tell about how gorgeously geeky I was in high school! For instance, when we learned about the Know Nothing Party in U.S. History, I immediately adopted this obscure 19th century political party as my own. I’d jokingly tell friends I...