The Love Pause

The Love Pause

What brings out the best in you? For me, it’s pausing. When I pause, breathe, ponder, and wonder, love fills and shines through the space that slowing down fosters within us. Looking back on my missteps; the common thread between when I say or do something...

How to Defeat a Feeling of Failure and Funkiness

What do you do when you feel defeated or deflated?  While the positivity I generally radiate is 100% authentic, I occasionally wonder/think: “Why do I even bother?  Why do I spend hours writing posts and blogs to encourage and increase Love when it seems like...

Meditation on the Bliss of Approaching Moments as a Snow Day

Aren’t snow days glorious?  Not only is there something magical about the white powdery stuff, but when it snows enough to cancel work, school, and other plans, I believe we enter a special and sacred space.  I’d never made the connection until my wife...
Meditation on BLISS: Beautiful Living is Super Simple

Meditation on BLISS: Beautiful Living is Super Simple

Every week I write a short meditation for my yoga classes (like this) that I post here, plus a longer blog post.  Last week’s blog was: Practices, Rituals, and Routines for Staying and Growing in Awesomeness, ESPECIALLY When Things Get Crazy.  After reading it,...