Letting Go, to Let It Shine

Letting Go, to Let It Shine

We’re in a somewhat stormy stretch of life. Yet, “somehow” I feel quite calm and beyond content with things. While, the stressors and struggles we’re navigating aren’t mine to share here—although, getting my doctorate is one—I will say...
Christmas Gifts Meaning

Christmas Gifts Meaning

What is Christmas to you? While we talk about “the meaning of Christmas”, it occurs to me Christmas gifts meaning, in that: To me, it’s celebrating that something more Beautiful, Loving, and True can be born here and now. Christmas reminds us Divine goodness can...
Our Bodies are Brilliant!

Our Bodies are Brilliant!

One of the hardest, most healing, and helpful lessons I’m learning in life is to trust and love my body. The truth is: Our bodies are brilliant. Your body is brilliant. My body is brilliant. Our bodies not only know what’s best for them, they harbor...
Living Heaven Now

Living Heaven Now

What if we believed Christ when he declared: “It is finished”? As in at the deepest, most powerful of levels all the becoming, healing, unity, joy, wholeness, restoration, peace, wellbeing, goodness, and love we crave has already been achieved—once and for all as a...
Living Love in a World of Fear

Living Love in a World of Fear

Fear. Isn’t it crazy how much this energy saturates our news, politics, beliefs, and relationships, thus shaping and guiding us? In 1992 I remember being frightened Clinton would wreck our nation. At an airport in the Middle East in 2003 I was scared terrorists would...