Don’t just DO something, SIT There

I’ve been a runner for nearly 30 years.  And for as long as I can remember, I’ve measured my success by numbers, going far and fast.  As an enthusiast, my natural bias is to do ALL the things quickly.  That’s why Lisa, Lara, and I’s weekends...

Love Lacks Labels

There are moments when I see the essence of my wife Lisa.  The radiance of her being is so beautiful even the best poetry would fall short of capturing her. Likewise, there are instances when the lines between us blur, blend, and vanish.  Our connection is so rich I...

Could I(You) Have Been Anyone Other Than Me(You)?

I once said “the music in heaven will be all Dave Matthews Band, all the time” … at church … to hundreds of people.  I mention that to express how much I LOVE the band.  Dave’s music moves me so deeply I have a tattoo of his lyrics that...