The Love Pause

The Love Pause

What brings out the best in you? For me, it’s pausing. When I pause, breathe, ponder, and wonder, love fills and shines through the space that slowing down fosters within us. Looking back on my missteps; the common thread between when I say or do something...
A project of Love

A project of Love

Friends, I’m stoked to invite you to a Project of Love.  I’m working on a Doctorate in Leadership & Spiritual Formation, to help people thrive together in life. To make our doctoral projects as successful as possible (mine is about growing and flowing...
What We “See” is What We Become

What We “See” is What We Become

The beauty of this scenery captivated me the other day … For years, I’ve walked past this bit of lush green loveliness, on my way to the yoga studio, without noticing it. It’s tucked away a bit off the side of the highway, so isn’t in your face (so...
Awe Makes Awesome

Awe Makes Awesome

I take our dog Biscuits out about 20 times a week, which is fine by me as I use the time to both enjoy fresh air and play Words with Friends. The other day though, a voice whispered, “don’t play. Just be.” So, with the cold wind blowing and rain...
Revolutionary Love: We’re Just Getting Started

Revolutionary Love: We’re Just Getting Started

At the first yoga class I taught this year I said 2020 was going to be awesome because we’d be able to see things clearly. 🤣 While “awful” is likely a more apt descriptor, it occurs to me we are seeing more accurately than ever...