I take our dog Biscuits out about 20 times a week, which is fine by me as I use the time to both enjoy fresh air and play Words with Friends. The other day though, a voice whispered, “don’t play. Just be.” So, with the cold wind blowing and rain falling steadily, that’s what I did. As we walked, I softly breathed the mantra, “just be”, and opened up all my awareness to all that was. Wow! I was filled with awe and it was incredible. It was as if the entirety of my being was connected to, I don’t know, everything. It was transcendent!

While this was a particularly powerful moment, wonder and gratitude are always available to us. Whether it’s a single flower, mountain range, act of kindness, encouraging word, hug, smile, gentle breeze, soothing rain, the feel of the grass, the smell of coffee, or an “I love you”, there is SO much to be thankful for and in awe of. I’ve found the more I live in awe, the more awesome life becomes!

In Blissology we say “stoke is our super” (thanks Eoin), because when we share a deep joyous celebration of the overabundance of goodness within and without, life becomes like a fabulous party. So, here’s to letting awe light us up from the inside out and sharing the shine with others.

(BTW, the pics are from the next morning … it’s as if Spirit was doubling down on the message!)

Hugs & Love,


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