The Good News of Realizing I’m My Worst Enemy

The Good News of Realizing I’m My Worst Enemy

Recently I had a couple super hard conversations. Without going into details that aren’t mine to share, they were the kind that you know in advance could go super sideways. Know what I mean? Want to guess what the most stressful, angsty, and worst part of both was?...
Putting the “Well” in Our Mental Wellness

Putting the “Well” in Our Mental Wellness

Sometimes things are not as they look. Granted, many sunsets from our street are beautiful (like this one), there’s also a lot going on “beneath the surface”. Mud, dirt, pollution, predators, prey, death, and so on lie out of view. I point this out...
Believe in the Good and it Will Come

Believe in the Good and it Will Come

Over the weekend my wife (looking fabulous in the pic by our friend Julie) shared, not for the first time, a dis-ease about an aspect of life. Can you relate? Each time I’ve felt a soul type of angst, a deep, bodily unrest, it’s been a sign I was...
Transforming Pain into Gain

Transforming Pain into Gain

We all carry pain, the question is: What do we do with our pain? Growing up, my parents would disagree with style! And by “style”, I mean their arguments were explosive like the 4th of July. They were real doozies! This, plus the way differences between...

Let Your Breath Catch You

In the face of discomfort, stress, disagreement, frustration, and such, one simple thing typically determines whether I say something stupid, hurtful, or defensive, versus loving, caring, and understanding. Breath. Pausing. Slowing. Then, feeling and enjoying a...