Love Al(l)ways

Love Al(l)ways

Life is a marvelously messy tapestry of threads formed by—not only—all the people, plants, animals, and rest of material reality; but also, by our thoughts, words, and deeds. Shaming, judgmentalism, holding oneself as “better than,” living from fear, cutting words,...
A Solstice Blessing

A Solstice Blessing

On this Summer Solstice: May we remember, even when we can’t see the Light, it is always shining on and through us. May the sun remind you, you are always and forever loved. Just as the infinite twinkle of the stars symbolizes your limitless worth; while the...
Love is Everything and Everywhere

Love is Everything and Everywhere

I remember a skit from when I went to university in the ’90s. I was in Campus Crusade for Christ (I even emceed our big meetings for a good while), and this play featured a silent Jesus following a college student everywhere they went–studying,...
Tasting Heaven on Earth

Tasting Heaven on Earth

What warms your heart with love? Whether it’s something you do, an event, a practice, and/or people, what brings bliss bubbling up, and a deep sense of contentment in your soul? Yoga does this for me, because … Yoga isn’t about flexibility, unless one means to...
6 Benefits of Yoga and Exercise for Seniors

6 Benefits of Yoga and Exercise for Seniors

Friends, I’ve got a special treat for you … a guest blog from Jennifer McGregor. Jennifer has dedicated herself to helping people be, or become, healthy and well. I think her latest offering is great, and hope you do too! (Note, top photo by Pixels) It’s common for...