Dancing Standing Still

Words, titles, and labels cannot define you. YOU are SO much MORE than male, female, black, white, Democrat, Republican, or whatever else describes you! As Thomas Keating says in his poem “Stillness”: Our true nature is stillness, The Source...
How Sweet it is to Live Simply!

How Sweet it is to Live Simply!

Oh, the stories I could tell about how gorgeously geeky I was in high school! For instance, when we learned about the Know Nothing Party in U.S. History, I immediately adopted this obscure 19th century political party as my own. I’d jokingly tell friends I...

Redefining Success

Do you ever struggle with success?  Like, what makes for a “wonderful” day?  How do you define a “good” workout?  How does a workday become successful?  Why would a get together with friends/family be fantastic?  When I workout I have a less...

Heaven is in Your Heart

20+ years ago when a dear friend of mine was getting married, as he and I stood in a side room right before the ceremony, tears began rolling down his face.  Confused, I asked him why he was crying.  “I’m just so happy,” he replied.  It was years...
The Importance of Silence

The Importance of Silence

To mark the Winter Solstice, my wife and I attended a “silent” nighttime group pilgrimage through a large local forest garden.  As a guide led several hundred of us on a slow stroll in the dark, I couldn’t help but chuckle at how many people were unable to stop...