Letting the Spirit of “How May I Be of Service” Guide Us

In telling my story lately, my eyes have been opened to two key words in my life: Lack and Enough.  While insecurities bias me toward a space of lack, wherein I find my worth in the number of students in my classes, the amount of “likes” on social media,...

Love = Shifting From “Me” to “We”

Over Easter weekend, my wife and I got to attend Olya’s Nectar Flow yoga practice, a delicious class we adore.  Toward the end she had us stretch our shoulders with our arms overhead in a Y and a strap pulled taut between our hands.  Being who I am, this...

The Love is IN Your Heart

While I was practicing my yoga class for February, “The Love is IN Your Heart”, I had an aha moment.  In one flow you reach your hands forward and back with palms up on the inhale, and then sweetly collect them to heart’s center on the exhale.  On my...