Love First … and Ask Questions Later

Love First … and Ask Questions Later

I did a 9/11 Reflection ride on the Peloton the other day—and amidst the many tears—two lessons from that time, which speak to today’s hurt and polarization, came to me: BE WITH and BE IN. To be with is when, no matter one’s religion, race, politics, gender,...
Letting Go to Let Love In

Letting Go to Let Love In

This year, a major theme in my life has been: Letting go to let Love in. Turns out, there were things I was clinging to or striving for, which were “unplugging” me from life-giving love—filling me with insecurity, worry, stress, and anxiety. Deciding, in...
Seeing Our Blindspots

Seeing Our Blindspots

The other day, my literal blind-spots got me thinking about the “blind-spots” we all have. While Lisa and I were out enjoying a nice, long walk on a beautiful summer day with our dog Biscuits, I heard somebody outside my field of view say something about a...
Routines Create Freedom

Routines Create Freedom

After lunch on workdays (I work largely from home), I clean the kitchen up from the night before and that day. I don’t share this to brag (mostly 🤣), but to observe: Routines create freedom. By having rituals and rhythms to accomplish the mundane, nourish...
The “Pose” Changes the Person

The “Pose” Changes the Person

At perhaps the lowest point in my life, when I was feeling unloved, unlovable, and unloving, want to know the “odd” thing that made a BIG difference in flipping the script? Heart-openers! Poses in yoga that expand one’s heart-center, and hence one’s love. While that...