The other day, my literal blind-spots got me thinking about the “blind-spots” we all have. While Lisa and I were out enjoying a nice, long walk on a beautiful summer day with our dog Biscuits, I heard somebody outside my field of view say something about a “nice doggy”. Lacking any peripheral vision from a traumatic brain injury, I missed what most everyone else would naturally see. To our right, there was an adorable little kiddo, with dad in tow, eager to pet Biscuits through the fence. Fortunately, Lisa saw and stopped us, and because she helped me see my blind-spot, we were able to make that kid’s day!

One of the central pillars of yoga, Svadhyaya, calls us to study ourselves like the sacred “text” each of us is; in part, because it is powerful and life-giving to learn and lean into our habit patterns, beliefs, struggles, and strengths we aren’t entirely aware of. While we typically need someone else to point our gaps in self-awareness out, over time, as we study ourselves, we can learn to see our own blind-spots. A great way to do this is to notice, and then search for the “whys” behind our repetitive patterns of behavior.

For instance, I’d been wondering why my frequent attempts to offer soul medicine in the form of yoga and my memoir to others have been so unsuccessful. When Lisa observed I lacked the confidence people thriving in those areas possess, I “looked back “at myself and realized she was right! So, I’ve been working on confidence. What repetitive behaviors or observations from others could reveal one of your blind-spots?

Hugs & Love,


Fabulous pic by Stephanie Madson!

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