Letting Go, to Let It Shine

Letting Go, to Let It Shine

We’re in a somewhat stormy stretch of life. Yet, “somehow” I feel quite calm and beyond content with things. While, the stressors and struggles we’re navigating aren’t mine to share here—although, getting my doctorate is one—I will say...
Being Awestruck Over How Incredible It is to Be Alive

Being Awestruck Over How Incredible It is to Be Alive

With my 46th birthday just around the corner (Saturday!), looking back I can say one of the best parts about getting older is feeling evermore permission to be freely and fully my quirky and unique self! In the movie Last Christmas, a character observes:...

Feeling ALL the Things with a Joyous Spirit and Content Heart

Do you ever stop and check in with yourself?  You know, a slow down for a moment, take a few deep breaths, and pause to notice what’s going on inside type of deal.  In doing that this week I realized my heart was sobbing and my eyes wanted to water my face...

Don’t Fake It Until You Make It, Face It Until You Embrace It!

Parts of me are scared, nervous, and frustrated … and it’s fantastic!  You see, partially by choice, and partially not, my occupational energies are shifting to destinations unknown along paths previously untraveled.  Honestly, it’s scary, thrilling,...