Love/Live Like It’s Your Last Day

Love/Live Like It’s Your Last Day

Cherish your people. Hug them deeply. Tell them “I love you”, as often as possible. I recently realized, ever since the day I should have died in 2008, that’s how I live. You never know when “this” time together, or goodbye, will be the last. What is...

Unwrapping the Gift of You

The other day, Lisa told me: “One lifetime with you isn’t enough.” 🥰 That might be the most loving thing anyone has told me! I share that, not only to celebrate our love and partnership, but also because I think it points to a life truth: YOU are an...
Vulnerability is the New Strength

Vulnerability is the New Strength

For years I hurt my family, friends, and self by being solely the strong, silent type. You see, I bought into the notions that silence was strength, vulnerability was weakness, and control was power. Now, though, I believe: Sharing is strength, vulnerability is...
The Blessing of Beauty Hunting

The Blessing of Beauty Hunting

This breathtaking view blessed me Thursday morning. Beauty is like kindling in that it ignites the flames of our lives. I can be having a terrible day, yet one moment of beauty will turn it around! It is nectar for our souls. Still, you know how we can’t help but...
A “Crazy” Idea About the Second Coming of Christ

A “Crazy” Idea About the Second Coming of Christ

You know how writers often start with the ending of their book?  The conclusion shapes the story from the beginning on.  Life is much the same.  What we believe about our “ending” deeply informs how we act now.  With that in mind, the other day I was thinking about...