The Perspective of Love

The Perspective of Love

The more I’m able to see me in you, and you in me, the better things get. It’s really that simple. While truth is many people are quite different from me, some with beliefs I vehemently disagree with—as near I can remember, when I adopt this loving and unifying...
License to Love

License to Love

You know how James Bond has a License to Kill? And, as the mask and vac debates reveal, it seems Americans have a License to Individual Freedom? What if, we all lived from a License to Love? Like, for reals! I know when people wrong my wife Lisa, by abusing her...
The Practice of Letting Go

The Practice of Letting Go

One of the hardest and most rewarding things to do in life is to let go. Like parents often do, I had notions of who and how my daughter would be … yet, to hold Lara to my vision for her, is to limit the rainbow splendor of creative possibilities that is this...
Balance Brings Bliss

Balance Brings Bliss

How do we measure success? How do we find it? Are those different? For instance, it’s been 7+ months since my memoir, Falling into Love: The Transformative Power of Community, came out. Thus far, we’ve made ~3% of what we spent to self-publish it...
Who am I Really? A Journey of Me to We to Everyone

Who am I Really? A Journey of Me to We to Everyone

The most devastating losses in my life (marital separation, divorce, nearly dying, loss of career, divorce #2 …) turned into my biggest gains. Each time I surrender, the more alive I become. The less I identify as “me”, the more truly me I am. As cryptic, woo-woo, and...