How do we measure success? How do we find it? Are those different? For instance, it’s been 7+ months since my memoir, Falling into Love: The Transformative Power of Community, came out. Thus far, we’ve made ~3% of what we spent to self-publish it back. That’s a big financial failure by any measuring stick! YET, what is the value of hearts moved, soul given, love spread, spirits encouraged, and more brightness and beauty brought into the world?

I share that not only because while money matters, love matters more, but also because the more balance we find in life, the more inner harmony we experience. In yoga, we practice balancing our yin and yang energies, as well as our drive (Tapas) with our contentment (Santosha). Tapas means “fire” and is our will to change, create, do, push, and go. Santosha, meanwhile, is being fully satisfied with ourselves, others, and the world just as they are.

The better we’re able to harmonize our drive to do hard things with our contentment to lay on the couch, while infusing both energies with love, the richer our lives become. At least that’s what I find. How might you experience more inner harmony by finding more balance these days?

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