Living Heaven Now

Living Heaven Now

What if we believed Christ when he declared: “It is finished”? As in at the deepest, most powerful of levels all the becoming, healing, unity, joy, wholeness, restoration, peace, wellbeing, goodness, and love we crave has already been achieved—once and for all as a...
Sing at the Top of Your Lungs!

Sing at the Top of Your Lungs!

When I make dinner I listen to music, while dancing and singing (loudly). In fact, not long ago I was especially into a song, and mid-chorus saw a lady walking by outside give me an “are you possessed?” look. Whether you can carry a tune or not,...
Glowing in Grace

Glowing in Grace

As much as I crave more of Will Farell on the cowbell, what I think we could really use more of these days is GRACE. Inspired by the immortal words of U2, I’d say: Grace finds the goodness in everything and everyone. Grace transforms ugly into beauty. Grace...
The Gospel of Mary

The Gospel of Mary

Cheers! Why has Mary, Jesus’ mom, fascinated so many people for so long?  Why do some of our notions about her border on mythological and magical?  Similarly, when it comes to Mary Magdalene, why do Dan Brown (and others) speculate she was married to Jesus?...