As much as I crave more of Will Farell on the cowbell, what I think we could really use more of these days is GRACE. Inspired by the immortal words of U2, I’d say:

Grace finds the goodness in everything and everyone.

Grace transforms ugly into beauty.

Grace gently carries the burdens, wrongs, and shame we want to turn away from, hide, or cast out.

Grace heals hearts and souls at the deepest levels.

Grace is the music that makes the world go round, and creates space for EVERYbody, left, right, center, and beyond!

Isn’t she beautiful? My daughter’s middle name is Grace, and she’s more than lived into the spirit of the word; embodying its hospitable heart to bless, give, embrace, hear, heal, and help with NO strings attached. Without judging, condemning, or finger-pointing, she fights for freedom with Love. That’s perhaps simultaneously the most incredible and unsettling thing about grace, She breaks the rules! Karma says doing good reaps rewards, while doing wrong results in suffering. Yet, Grace says there’s a better way, and showers goodness on ALL people because kind folks grow from lovingkindness, not cruelty.

Lately, I’ve felt moved to start many of my days by repeating a simple mantra: “May today be filled with grace. May today be filled with grace. May …” Simply planting those seeds in my mind has made a world of difference. Feel free to try it out, and I pray you have a graceful and grace-filled day!

Hugs & Love,


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