Invitation to Embody Forgiveness

When you bring to mind someone, or thing, who hurt or wronged you, what happens in your body and spirit?  Believe it or not, these days the person who most fits that category in my neck of the woods, bringing bodily tension and energetic chaos, is me!  For my 6am...
6 Ways Yoga is Prayer

6 Ways Yoga is Prayer

I LOVE yoga and Jesus!  The brilliant thing is they go together like peanut butter and chocolate, the combination of which, to me, is basically heaven in your mouth.  While I’ve “only” been practicing yoga for a bit over eight years, I’ve been Christian my whole...

Meditation on Raising Our Vibration

Years ago someone shared with me how she’d been sexually abused in her childhood.  In my naivety, I remember being saddened for her, while also thinking as an adult she must have moved on and healed from that “distant” trauma.  To make a long story...
6 Ways Yoga is Prayer

Life Lessons from Jason Mraz: Love is a Four Letter Word and More!

Music has a magical way of transforming us.  In many ways musicians are modern day prophets, telling us life-changing Truths disguised by a catchy hook.  We recently saw Jason Mraz in concert, and time and time again I found myself thinking: “Wow!  If, or when, we do...