Accepting Awkwardness Creates Awesomeness

Accepting Awkwardness Creates Awesomeness

Avoidance is the best policy, right? šŸ˜‚  While I spent much of my life ā€œrunningā€ from sadness, anger, fear, frustration, and the like, Iā€™ve realized: Radical acceptance of the awkward stuff, not avoidance, is the path to...
Growing Our Love

Growing Our Love

Ukraine. Putin. Trump. Biden. Vac. Anti-vac. The ways we divide and polarize go on and on. What are we to do? Doesnā€™t it almost feel like getting past our political, national, racial, and religious tribalism is the only way weā€™re going to survive and thrive? For...
It’s All About Our “Spirit”

It’s All About Our “Spirit”

I feel blessed to still be riding the wave of 2 recent ā€œmountaintopā€ experiences. While one was a rock-and-roll, soul-shining themed cruise, the other was the first in-person retreat for the doctoral program Iā€™m in. Although the former featured lots of yogis, and the...
Routines Create Freedom

Routines Create Freedom

After lunch on workdays (I work largely from home), I clean the kitchen up from the night before and that day. I don’t share this to brag (mostlyĀ šŸ¤£), but to observe:Ā Routines createĀ freedom. By having rituals and rhythmsĀ to accomplish the mundane, nourish...
Putting the “Well” in Our Mental Wellness

Putting the “Well” in Our Mental Wellness

Sometimes things are not as they look. Granted, manyĀ sunsets from our street are beautiful (like this one), thereā€™s also a lot going on “beneath the surface”. Mud, dirt, pollution, predators, prey, death, and so on lie out of view. I point this out...