Being Your Own “Alarm Clock”

Something awesome I’ve noticed this year is how smack dab in the middle of the suck and muck, I’ve witnessed countless people become her/his own “alarm clock”. Friends and family are waking up to their deepest desires, honoring the most...
The Importance of Silence

The Importance of Silence

To mark the Winter Solstice, my wife and I attended a “silent” nighttime group pilgrimage through a large local forest garden.  As a guide led several hundred of us on a slow stroll in the dark, I couldn’t help but chuckle at how many people were unable to stop...

Meditation on Breathe and Be to Connect to Big Bliss

In yoga we generally end our practice with Namaste, meaning “the Divine in me sees and honors the Divine in you.”  This sweet, yet radical reminder mirrors my Christian tradition in that Namaste declares EACH of us has divine beauty, eliminates the borders...