Hug Yourself from the Inside Out

Hug yourself from the inside out! I had a pouting, “woe is me” moment the other night. Do you have those too? In debriefing it later with my wife, I realized all I really wanted was a “hug”, as in an embrace of myself exactly as I...
Being Great Full

Being Great Full

I can’t wait until … things go back to normal, a vaccine comes, we can freely hug one another, our political and racial divides heal, I graduate, warmer weather comes, and the list goes on. What’s on your “can’t wait until” list?...

The Beloved One (A Poem to You)

The Beloved One sees you fully, loving every bit of your being. The Blissful One adores you always, regarding you with infinite fondness. The Blessed One delights deeply, in YOU, living your daily, “mundane” life. The Beautiful One celebrates you...
The Gospel of Snuggling

The Gospel of Snuggling

In the stillness and quiet of my first waking moments, I like to begin my day by listening to Spirit for a word or image to center my day on.  While it’s usually things like joy, curiosity, care, calm, and the like, the other day, much to my surprise it was SNUGGLE. ...