The Beloved One sees you fully,

loving every bit of your being.

The Blissful One adores you always,

regarding you with infinite fondness.

The Blessed One delights deeply,

in YOU, living your daily, “mundane” life.

The Beautiful One celebrates you extravagantly,

roaring approval because you ARE a champion.

The Bountiful One hugs you fiercely,

for YOU are a magnificent being!


The Bountiful One weeps waterfalls,

WITH you when life cuts your heart.

The Beautiful One grieves gutturally,

when your losses bury you in sorrow.

The Blessed One heals your hurts,

as wrongs, betrayals, and harms break you.

The Blissful One embraces you tenderly,

showering you with peace and joy without end.

The Beloved One will never leave you,

intimately joining you in the eternal Dance of Love.


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Grace and peace,
