Accepting Awkwardness Creates Awesomeness

Accepting Awkwardness Creates Awesomeness

Avoidance is the best policy, right? 😂  While I spent much of my life “running” from sadness, anger, fear, frustration, and the like, I’ve realized: Radical acceptance of the awkward stuff, not avoidance, is the path to...
The Perspective of Love

The Perspective of Love

The more I’m able to see me in you, and you in me, the better things get. It’s really that simple. While truth is many people are quite different from me, some with beliefs I vehemently disagree with—as near I can remember, when I adopt this loving and unifying...
Love Actually …

Love Actually …

I believe: Love actually … Is the fundamental nature of reality. Believes the best. Is our native tongue. Bridges divides. Is messy. Speaks life. Never ends. Is the flow of the universe. Leads. Does little things that make big differences. Includes … beyond what/who...
From Frustrated to Fascinated: Healing Our Divides

From Frustrated to Fascinated: Healing Our Divides

Isn’t it incredible how differently we can see things? On day #3 of election purgatory, a popular blog I follow lamented how Biden as president would be the U.S. hitting moral and financial rock bottom, while Trump is a Christlike godsend. 🤔🤯 Umm … What?! As...
Just Say No to Division, and YES to Unity

Just Say No to Division, and YES to Unity

If anyone asked me for voting advice, I’d say vote humans not robots. Seriously! You know The Terminator, The Matrix, and other movies where the machines take over? Great entertainment, but scary reality, right? The bad news, though, is in many ways they...