Greet with Grace

Greet with Grace

Lisa and I had a “moment” as she got home for dinner the other day. A confused and frustrated, “what the heck just happened”, type of deal. Knowing she’d been gone most of the day, done all the grocery shopping, and was running significantly later than she’d planned,...
The Perspective of Love

The Perspective of Love

The more I’m able to see me in you, and you in me, the better things get. It’s really that simple. While truth is many people are quite different from me, some with beliefs I vehemently disagree with—as near I can remember, when I adopt this loving and unifying...
It’s All About Our “Spirit”

It’s All About Our “Spirit”

I feel blessed to still be riding the wave of 2 recent “mountaintop” experiences. While one was a rock-and-roll, soul-shining themed cruise, the other was the first in-person retreat for the doctoral program I’m in. Although the former featured lots of yogis, and the...
License to Love

License to Love

You know how James Bond has a License to Kill? And, as the mask and vac debates reveal, it seems Americans have a License to Individual Freedom? What if, we all lived from a License to Love? Like, for reals! I know when people wrong my wife Lisa, by abusing her...
The Little BIG Things Love Does

The Little BIG Things Love Does

My friend Scott inspires me! While visiting said bestie in Colorado, as we were going into his house for the night, I saw Scott look back and linger to watch the garage door finish closing. Why? To make sure everything was safe and secure for his...