My friend Scott inspires me! While visiting said bestie in Colorado, as we were going into his house for the night, I saw Scott look back and linger to watch the garage door finish closing. Why? To make sure everything was safe and secure for his family. Love, I realized while observing him, does little things that make big impacts. Over our weeklong visit, I witnessed many such small expressions of love from Scott and, his wife, Carrie. From creating spaces for Lara and I to stay, to making sure we had vegan food to eat, to arranging and preparing for our camping trip. to letting us use their car, to making me caffeinated coffee every morning (they drink decaf), and beyond.

Love sees, honors, and cares for people exactly as they are, especially in their uniqueness and oddities! For instance, some of the gifts of my visual disability and brain injury include being balance challenged, taking way longer to do simple household tasks, and not being able to drive. Scott, Carrie, my partner Lisa, child Lara, and other family/friends don’t treat me as less than because of these, instead, they care for me well with my limitations and peculiarities in mind!

Love is like a tailored suit, it’s not one size fits all, it’s one size fits one.

For instance, on Wednesday we took my mom and stepdad out to dinner to belatedly celebrate Father’s Day. Since Lisa works a stressful job and has a lot on her plate, dad Rick called and offered to push our dinner time back a bit, if it’d be a blessing to Lisa. That’s the kind of little thing love does, which makes a BIG difference!

The more we can truly get to know people as they are—stories, idiosyncrasies, wounds, strengths, and all—the better we’re able to give them the little gifts of kindness that best nourish and enliven them. You’re fabulous and fantastic, and I pray Love’s little whispers nourish and guide you in the most life-giving ways!

Hugs & Love,


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