The Power of the Words in Our Head

The Power of the Words in Our Head

You know how sometimes a passing comment, or remark about you gets stuck in your head on repeat? Like a bee stinging you over and over and over again? That’s been true for me lately! Our words can be weapons, or bring wellness. AND, while they spoke them once (and...
The Perspective of Love

The Perspective of Love

The more I’m able to see me in you, and you in me, the better things get. It’s really that simple. While truth is many people are quite different from me, some with beliefs I vehemently disagree with—as near I can remember, when I adopt this loving and unifying...
Believe in the Good and it Will Come

Believe in the Good and it Will Come

Over the weekend my wife (looking fabulous in the pic by our friend Julie) shared, not for the first time, a dis-ease about an aspect of life. Can you relate? Each time I’ve felt a soul type of angst, a deep, bodily unrest, it’s been a sign I was...
Living Heaven Now

Living Heaven Now

What if we believed Christ when he declared: “It is finished”? As in at the deepest, most powerful of levels all the becoming, healing, unity, joy, wholeness, restoration, peace, wellbeing, goodness, and love we crave has already been achieved—once and for all as a...