What We “See” is What We Become

What We “See” is What We Become

The beauty of this scenery captivated me the other day … For years, I’ve walked past this bit of lush green loveliness, on my way to the yoga studio, without noticing it. It’s tucked away a bit off the side of the highway, so isn’t in your face (so...
Awe Makes Awesome

Awe Makes Awesome

I take our dog Biscuits out about 20 times a week, which is fine by me as I use the time to both enjoy fresh air and play Words with Friends. The other day though, a voice whispered, “don’t play. Just be.” So, with the cold wind blowing and rain...

It Will be Fantastic Because It Will be Together

How are you doing in these dark times? I feel deeply the heaviness, sorrow, and angst of this season, and often want to just stay in bed. Know what I mean? That’s why I believe it’s SO important than ever to remind you: YOU are FABULOUS! Just the fact...
The Gospel of Mary

The Gospel of Mary

Cheers! Why has Mary, Jesus’ mom, fascinated so many people for so long?  Why do some of our notions about her border on mythological and magical?  Similarly, when it comes to Mary Magdalene, why do Dan Brown (and others) speculate she was married to Jesus?...

The Power of Self-Study and Celebration

Perhaps the worst and best part of both my divorces was the suffering.  You see, when my mental landscape was littered with boulders of blame and judgment toward my ex, MY LIFE SUCKED and I went into a downward spiral.  Yet, when I switched from being a...