The Power of the Stories in Our Heads

The Power of the Stories in Our Heads

Have you ever seen a message notification in passing, and created a whole storyline around it before actually reading it … only to have none of what you imagined probable/possible turn out to be true? I got a FB message from a pastor...
Being a Warrior for Kindness

Being a Warrior for Kindness

Not knowing the struggles we’d face in August; I named my yoga class this month “Kindness Warrior”. There’s something magical about moving through life’s struggles, storms, and even sweetness, with kindness. As fate would ironically have it, we’ve gotten to live this...

Love is a Gateway Drug

Do you ever struggle with doing something you know you should, and even want to do? That was me when it came to being kind and compassionate, and caring well for others, until about 15 years ago. What changed me? Like drill sergeants of kindness, the people of Valley...
The Freedom of Shifting from a “Got to” to a “Get to” Mentality

A Letter to My Daughter as She Starts High School

Since 2014, when Lara starts school I’ve written her a letter to encourage her, remind her what matters in life, and assure her she’s extravagantly Loved exactly as she is.  I don’t know about you, but the messiness, stresses, and hurts in life make...