Do you ever struggle with doing something you know you should, and even want to do? That was me when it came to being kind and compassionate, and caring well for others, until about 15 years ago. What changed me? Like drill sergeants of kindness, the people of Valley Bible Fellowship spoke, displayed, and invited radical and life-giving love over and over and over again! Who in Las Vegas goes to porn conventions, bars, and the like for the sole purpose of caring for people struggling, just as they are? They did! Not only did they give rides to homeless people, they would have racks of lunch bags for us to take and give to the overabundance of hungry street people on corners.

In reflecting on how the pastors and people there had radically transformed me for the better, I realized every week their message was the same: You are not only wildly, freely, and forever loved. you were created to love like that! It awakened something in me, a deep desire to give of myself to help others flourish in life. One of the coolest things I discovered as I started to live from love, was quite often the very act of loving another is a blessing and joy to the lover!

As Jason Mraz sings: Love is a gateway drug–leading to ever bigger doses of kindness, compassion, peace, wholeness, wellness, care, celebration, and bliss. The more we love, the more we live, so here’s to letting love get us hooked on smiles, hugs, encouragement, sharing, and caring!

Hugs & Love,


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