Tasting Heaven on Earth

Tasting Heaven on Earth

What warms your heart with love? Whether it’s something you do, an event, a practice, and/or people, what brings bliss bubbling up, and a deep sense of contentment in your soul? Yoga does this for me, because … Yoga isn’t about flexibility, unless one means to...
From Our Darkest Dark, Our Brightest Bright is Born

From Our Darkest Dark, Our Brightest Bright is Born

These recent views from our house breathed hope into my soul. There’s something about the short, dark days of this season that brings out and amplifies the darkness, down feelings, depression, and despair within us. Know what I mean? Still, the way the light pierced...

Let Your Breath Catch You

In the face of discomfort, stress, disagreement, frustration, and such, one simple thing typically determines whether I say something stupid, hurtful, or defensive, versus loving, caring, and understanding. Breath. Pausing. Slowing. Then, feeling and enjoying a...

Being Your Own “Alarm Clock”

Something awesome I’ve noticed this year is how smack dab in the middle of the suck and muck, I’ve witnessed countless people become her/his own “alarm clock”. Friends and family are waking up to their deepest desires, honoring the most...


Hi Beautiful! Today I thought I’d try something different and write about an easy, breezy, and 100% noncontroversial topic … insert laughter here … so let’s talk about God!  What does “God” mean to you?  Perhaps more importantly, how does one experience...