Let Life Surprise You with Awesomeness

Let Life Surprise You with Awesomeness

Sometimes, especially when our hearts are open, life will surprise you with awesomeness. A few months ago, Jonathan stumbled on an old blog of mine that resonated with him. Much to their surprise, since Jonathan and Jennifer were looking for a place to do yoga in...
The Power of the Stories in Our Heads

The Power of the Stories in Our Heads

Have you ever seen a message notification in passing, and created a whole storyline around it before actually reading it … only to have none of what you imagined probable/possible turn out to be true? I got a FB message from a pastor...
Loving God = Loving Others = Flourishing

Loving God = Loving Others = Flourishing

To truly love “God”, is to deeply love All. At least, I keep coming back to this conclusion. I say “God”, because every person I’ve met has a different understanding of the Divinity Behind and Within This All. I believe this because: If we are in God’s image, if...
From Our Darkest Dark, Our Brightest Bright is Born

From Our Darkest Dark, Our Brightest Bright is Born

These recent views from our house breathed hope into my soul. There’s something about the short, dark days of this season that brings out and amplifies the darkness, down feelings, depression, and despair within us. Know what I mean? Still, the way the light pierced...
Love Actually …

Love Actually …

I believe: Love actually … Is the fundamental nature of reality. Believes the best. Is our native tongue. Bridges divides. Is messy. Speaks life. Never ends. Is the flow of the universe. Leads. Does little things that make big differences. Includes … beyond what/who...