Sometimes, especially when our hearts are open, life will surprise you with awesomeness. A few months ago, Jonathan stumbled on an old blog of mine that resonated with him. Much to their surprise, since Jonathan and Jennifer were looking for a place to do yoga in Poulsbo when they’re up here from 1.5 hours away in Olympia on Fridays, I alsojust “happened” to teach yoga in Poulsbo on Fridays! Isn’t that incredible?

What is more, since last year I’ve longed for more companions on Lisa and my spiritual journey. While I didn’t know what it would look like—nor have time to pursue anything—I trusted Spirit would reveal a good fit at the right time. So, I had my “peepers” open for whatever it might be. Boy did Life exceed my expectations!

Lisa and I with Michael Franti playing in the background

Jonathan and Jennifer are lights of kindness, curiosity, understanding, adventure, joy, connection, compassion, and love. While we’ve only known them for a short time, they feel like dear, longtime friends already. The harmonies of our separate journeys are miraculous. After one fabulous dinner together as a couple, we said we were going to Woodinville for a Michael Franti concert, so asked if they’d like to join us for some wine tasting while we were up there.

Not only did they say yes, they bought tickets to the concert, and spent two fabulous days of beautiful conversations, music, and times with us! We shared, we laughed, we cried, we danced, we hugged. It was amazing. Jonathan and Jennifer are amazing!

Michael Franti letting his soul shine

As I reflect on this new, yet powerful friendship, it seems to me: When we trust goodness, great things come. When we ask, we will receive—often more than we imagined possible. When we keep our hearts open and minds bright, Love will nourish, fill, and flow through us from the inside out.

While my life has had many twists and turns, I can honestly say these have always been eventually true for me, even it frequently didn’t look how I’d imagined. Let life surprise you with awesomeness, because it will.

Hugs & Love,


P.S. You can sign up for emailed love-letters at the bottom of the website’s main pages, and follow me on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube (I’ve got some yoga classes and a bunch of inspiring videos), etc. below! Have a beautiful day!