To truly love “God”, is to deeply love All.

At least, I keep coming back to this conclusion. I say “God”, because every person I’ve met has a different understanding of the Divinity Behind and Within This All. I believe this because: If we are in God’s image, if there’s a Master Artist behind the gift of life and love, if there’s a rhyme and reason to “this”, and so on, and I believe there is … would there be a more appropriate response than to love God AND All? As in all people, all creation, all your Self and story?

I know “all” is a big term and includes rapists, abusers, oppressors, and more. Yes. Those actions more than suck. 1000%. And real love is so darn incredible it “somehow” includes and wants the best for “them” too! We’re all equally beloved and precious offspring of the same Source. … And, sometimes we love others from a distance and/or with boundaries.

To step back, to take a broader, God-level perspective, is there a different way to see things that will get us through the divisions, misunderstandings, and violence that plague us? Isn’t this what Jesus invites us to embrace by saying the point of life is: Love God with our all, and love our neighbors (i.e., everyone, even our enemies), as we love ourselves? I know it’s hard, so please tell me if there’s another path?

If I’m being honest, the more I live into this idea, the more Jesus’ declaration, of coming to bring us life to the fullest (John 10:10), comes true. Adopting a mindset and spirit that: Loves The Creator of All Things and ALL things, makes life broadly and deeply better. After all, in the same way thriving children delight their parents, flourishing humans delight the Divine. While it’s not something we do overnight, by moving that direction we can “taste” and see if it is good. What do you think?

Hugs & Love,


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