Open Minds Open Possibilities

Open Minds Open Possibilities

I recently came across a card I wrote and sealed to myself at the beginning of our doctoral voyage. My little statement of fears, hopes, worries, and prayers from two years ago at Cannon Beach says: Comfort of the known, Fear of rejection/isolation, and Not having...
Let Life Surprise You with Awesomeness

Let Life Surprise You with Awesomeness

Sometimes, especially when our hearts are open, life will surprise you with awesomeness. A few months ago, Jonathan stumbled on an old blog of mine that resonated with him. Much to their surprise, since Jonathan and Jennifer were looking for a place to do yoga in...
Accepting Awkwardness Creates Awesomeness

Accepting Awkwardness Creates Awesomeness

Avoidance is the best policy, right? 😂  While I spent much of my life “running” from sadness, anger, fear, frustration, and the like, I’ve realized: Radical acceptance of the awkward stuff, not avoidance, is the path to...
Routines Create Freedom

Routines Create Freedom

After lunch on workdays (I work largely from home), I clean the kitchen up from the night before and that day. I don’t share this to brag (mostly 🤣), but to observe: Routines create freedom. By having rituals and rhythms to accomplish the mundane, nourish...
Revolutionary Love: We’re Just Getting Started

Revolutionary Love: We’re Just Getting Started

At the first yoga class I taught this year I said 2020 was going to be awesome because we’d be able to see things clearly. 🤣 While “awful” is likely a more apt descriptor, it occurs to me we are seeing more accurately than ever...