Depth is Divine

Depth is Divine

You know how magic happens when you don’t expect it? One of the biggest “bummers” teaching yoga, can be when only 1 student comes to class (insert falsetto, “awkward”). Yet, consistently those are the most sacred moments students and I have! There’s a depth...

Judgment is the Poison, and (Self)Love is the Cure

Is it just me, or is being judgmental pretty much hard-wired into our system? For much of my life, I’ve compared myself to others. When it came to things like grades, job titles, religious views, finances, political stances, smarts, marital health, physical...
Perspective is Everything

Perspective is Everything

We had the joy of watching 3 of Lisa’s grandkids recently. Since it was a beautiful day, we took them to a local park with a playground. While we were talking to another family at one end of the park, the 1.5-year-old started exploring the space. Keeping one eye on...

“We” is the Key

Don’t work hard so others see and applaud you, bust your butt to see and care for others. For over a month, I’ve been doing my best to get an online yoga teaching “studio” going with no success. Oddly, though, I haven’t been all that...
Love Leaves a Mark

Love Leaves a Mark

Every morning as Lisa goes to work, we kiss to “start” our day. And, the next time I see my reflection, my lips will typically be glittery from her sparkling amazingness (like in the pic). It might be her lip gloss … but, I’m sticking with her being amazing. 😉 Isn’t...