Don’t work hard so others see and applaud you, bust your butt to see and care for others. For over a month, I’ve been doing my best to get an online yoga teaching “studio” going with no success. Oddly, though, I haven’t been all that troubled. I say “oddly” because in years past I would have been devastated. One of the biggest reasons for this change is people I look up to have been helping me train my mind to see things from a bigger perspective. I’d sum it up as shifting from an “I”-“me”-“mine” mentality to a “we”-“us”-“our” consciousness.

Ally Love captured this, and inspired my lead phrase, thusly: “Don’t climb a mountain so the world can see you, climb it so you can see the world.” Looking back over my 46 times around the sun, I can clearly see: When I focus on winning the approval of others—angst, worry, insecurity, and frustration are my constant companions. Meanwhile, when I spotlight understanding and caring for others—peace, joy, contentment, wholeness, and love surround and fill me.

This mindset is what yoga is all about, central to Jesus’ teachings and way, and a key to joy according to the Dalai Lama. All these, and more, invite us to gradually grow our “circle” until it eventually includes all people at all times. Truly, the more connections we have, the more LIFE we experience.

Hugs & Love,


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