From Our Darkest Dark, Our Brightest Bright is Born

From Our Darkest Dark, Our Brightest Bright is Born

These recent views from our house breathed hope into my soul. There’s something about the short, dark days of this season that brings out and amplifies the darkness, down feelings, depression, and despair within us. Know what I mean? Still, the way the light pierced...
Grieving the Life I Lost

Grieving the Life I Lost

13 years ago today, the amazing life I had ended. In the blink of an eye, a quite successful career flying for the air force (where I also got to teach the best of the best) vanished, as did the future plans and dreams of my then fiancée (now ex-wife) and I. While...
Release to be Renewed

Release to be Renewed

Nature has a lot to teach us. Autumn is a time of letting go, as fruits and veggies ripen to produce new offspring, while leaves gently fall to the ground. This letting go not only helps vegetation survive the winter, it plants the seeds for the eruption of new life...
Love First … and Ask Questions Later

Love First … and Ask Questions Later

I did a 9/11 Reflection ride on the Peloton the other day—and amidst the many tears—two lessons from that time, which speak to today’s hurt and polarization, came to me: BE WITH and BE IN. To be with is when, no matter one’s religion, race, politics, gender,...
Letting Go to Let Love In

Letting Go to Let Love In

This year, a major theme in my life has been: Letting go to let Love in. Turns out, there were things I was clinging to or striving for, which were “unplugging” me from life-giving love—filling me with insecurity, worry, stress, and anxiety. Deciding, in...
Putting the “Well” in Our Mental Wellness

Putting the “Well” in Our Mental Wellness

Sometimes things are not as they look. Granted, many sunsets from our street are beautiful (like this one), there’s also a lot going on “beneath the surface”. Mud, dirt, pollution, predators, prey, death, and so on lie out of view. I point this out...