6 Benefits of Yoga and Exercise for Seniors

6 Benefits of Yoga and Exercise for Seniors

Friends, I’ve got a special treat for you … a guest blog from Jennifer McGregor. Jennifer has dedicated herself to helping people be, or become, healthy and well. I think her latest offering is great, and hope you do too! (Note, top photo by Pixels) It’s common for...
Getting Our “Kinks” Out to Let Kindness Flow

Getting Our “Kinks” Out to Let Kindness Flow

Stressed by “life”, when I went to shower the other day, I saw the incredible Lisa had written me this love letter on our mirror! Her encouraging and uplifting words filled my heart with sunshine I was then able to share with others. What gets in the way...
Unity, Understanding, and Supporting Trump Supporters

Unity, Understanding, and Supporting Trump Supporters

If I’m completely honest, part of me doesn’t understand how anyone can support Trump, and I’m sure others would say the same about Obama or Clinton backers.  The thing is, though, the more I go with society’s flow by calling “them” shameful names, excluding those...

The Path to Awesomeness in Life is ALLSOMENESS

10 years later, I still sometimes get really frustrated I can’t drive.  Or agitated the lack of peripheral vision preventing that, imagine missing 50% of your field of vision, also leads to knocking over and breaking things, hitting my head on walls as I turn,...
Unity, Understanding, and Supporting Trump Supporters

Why Valuing Both the Right and Left Creates Harmony: Yoga Life Lessons

Hi beautiful being! In yoga’s physical practice, we make a point of equally working, stretching, and valuing both the left and right sides of our bodies.  To do otherwise would create imbalance.  It seems to me the same lesson applies to life.  There has ALWAYS been...