The Garden Gospel

The Garden Gospel

Fires are raging in Northern California, with more than 14 THOUSAND firefighters on the scene! Republicans and Democrats are hurling fiery words at each other like toddlers do with food. The U.S. is aflame because of racial division and injustice. Doesn’t it sometimes...

Cultivating Heavenly Thoughts to Experience Heavenly Realities

Cheers! Even though the Seahawks literally lost to the 49ers in a heartbreaking manner, as we left the game, I told Lisa I felt like we won.  In the purity of that moment, I believe my heart was speaking from a bigger and more True place.  And, while it’s my...
The Garden Gospel

The Gospel of Mary

Cheers! Why has Mary, Jesus’ mom, fascinated so many people for so long?  Why do some of our notions about her border on mythological and magical?  Similarly, when it comes to Mary Magdalene, why do Dan Brown (and others) speculate she was married to Jesus?...

Giving Ourselves Permission to Cry, Wail, & Moan

One of my earlier memories is from a dirt clog fight with friends in Kanas.  Picture a snowball melee with dried clumps of dirt.  In our childhood enthusiasm, one of my friends pegged me in the face … with a rock hidden at the center of the soil.  Ouch!  While...

The Rain’s Secret (A Poem)

“The rain told me a secret this morning,” “It wants to let you in on it too,” she shared. So, outside I sat, quieted, receptive, and slowed, Listening to the murmurs of small splashes.   As I settled, the waterfall of noise resolved, Into...